
In Tune With God

This video talks about how even the most seasoned violinists check to ensure their instrument is in tune before playing as it is normal for instruments like the violin to go out of tune due to minor changes in temperature, humidity, or even a bump. The video also highlights how external stressors can cause internal shifts affecting the music we are playing in our lives and encourages us to be still and re-tune ourselves to the source of absolute pitch - God, to play in harmony with one another.

Two ways to use this video in your context:

1.This video can be used as a discussion starter for musicians and nonmusicians alike.

What does it mean to be "in tune" in relation to music? in relation to God?

What spiritual practices help you get back in tune with God?

2.This video can be used as a part of a spiritual reflection before a jam session or music lesson to encourage individuals to pause, be still, and re-tune themselves to God before playing.


Come to Me All Who Are Thirsty